Over the last few years I have been in a few raiding guilds. My first raiding guild wasn't that serious and while we did have a lot of fun together we would just farm Scholomance and Black Rock Depths. While its nice when you are a fresh 60 you hear about bigger badder content. I was approached by a member of a raiding guild one day while doing some quests in Un'Goro about joining a guild to do Molten Core. I told them no at first but I added him to my friends list. After a few weeks I decided to give them a try after some conflicts in my current guild. I had joined up with Radiant Dawn and got my first taste of 40 man raiding. I thought it was an incredible place and I kept constantly signing up to be on any run that they were doing. We eventually graduated Molten Core and tried to start up Blackwing Lair. We kept banging our heads on the first boss but we eventually got him down. Each boss after that was a struggle as well. It took many nights of wiping before we got Vael down and then the Suppression room had kicked our ass but most of us kept coming back pushing forward. After about a month in our Main tank and officer decided that it he was to good for us and left for another guild. This hurt our guild a lot but we had a really well geared off tank so we pushed forward and kept trying but the damage was already done and Guild Morale was low. We tried to push it as much as we could but we couldn't kill more then 1 boss in BWL. Radiant Dawn had gone Boom.
A lot of members had decided it was time to move on as well and soon we were just a shell of our former self. It made me feel horrible but I knew that to rebuild we would have to run Molten Core a lot and I couldn't do that. I looked through the progression page on the website and followed the links to see if any guilds were recruiting on the server. Me and my best friend were in the guild together so I told him to app with me to the best guild on server. We both applied to Oath and he was accepted and I was rejected. I kept trying to talk to the officers from the guild but I was told there were no spots for paladins. My friend went on and I tried to find a different guild. I did find a pretty good guild and I worked my way up building my reputation with them. Being the new member meant that I had no dkp and probably wouldn't be getting any loot any time soon. Every time I kept talking to my friend the guild was just handing him non stop bloodfang pieces and weapons. He was getting fitted with 2 or 3 pieces every reset and I was jealous. How could anything possibly go wrong with a guild farming BWL and making constant progression AQ40 and Naxx? A few weeks after joining the officers had a falling out. One of the officers wanted to create a new elite guild where he would hand pick and choose the people allowed in and the others respected the people who had brought them this far. The guild fractured off but many of the people decided to stay and form a new guild called Resilience. Oath had gone Boom.
This was my chance in. The guild that I joined was nice but the schedule wasn't perfect and I wanted to raid with my friend. He talked to the guild leader and we were well on our way to killing bosses in Naxxramas. I was the best healer in the guild previous to this one but the healers they had in Resilience had put me to shame. I am usually very competitive and if I'm going to play a role I have to be the best at that role. I research and test out how to play my class but these people were on a higher level. Burning Crusade had come out and Resilience was the leader of the pack. We ended up getting server first on Prince in Karazhan, Grull, and Magtheridon. I had a great sense of pride being in the guild and we worked our way into SSC and Tempest Keep. We had made significant progress into the zone but when you are the best you end up attracting a lot of assholes. Being in a top Guild has a tendency to go to people's head and they think they are better then everyone else. If you are learning a new boss and its not going perfectly you have a tendency to start finding ways to blame people and eventually bail out and try to find something better. There were constant fights and eventually it got so bad that people had abandoned ships. Most of the members of Resilience had decided to form up a new guild and recruit again and they ended up being Paranoid. Resilience had gone Boom.
Right around the time that resilience had gone boom I had gotten a promotion at work but it required that I worked during prime time raiding. I decided that the money was worth more then raiding and I had already started to get burned out. This was a good time to step back and leave the raiding scene for a while. Paranoid continued to have success and ended up beating most of the encounters in Black Temple and Mt Hyjal. I cheered them from the sidelines wishing that I could be up there with them. I continued to play and luckily I could farm heroics for badges and level up alts so I still had a a ton of fun with the game. My best friend was still raiding so he told me about what was going on with the guild. Every so often there would 10 man raiding on weekends so I was allowed to join up for those.
At the end of the Burning Crusade lifespan I saw in trade chat about a guild recruiting for late night raiding. I talked with Damathor and he convinced me to join up. I eventually joined up although raiding wouldn't really start until Wrath was in full swing. Zealous hit the ground running. Within a few weeks we were up and running 10 mans and as we continued to recruits we started up the 25 mans. It took some time to iron out some of the issues with certain members but we had an amazing drive and are now one of the top guilds on the server. Now that Ulduar is out people are at the point of seeing difficult content again. Being on top has a tendency to lead to fostering pricks and there was plenty of pricks in Paranoid. There were a ton of pressure for them to keep on top but there was plenty of fighting and the leadership had splintered off. After being one of the best guilds on the server and almost defeating Yogg everyone abandoned ship as soon as things got tough. Paranoid had gone Boom.
There seems to be a cycle of The Rise and Fall of guilds. If you look at any guild today there is a high chance that it wont be here in 6 months. Even if you look at the people that are there now they probably won't be the same people who are there in 6 months. Raid guilds are constantly changing. People are by nature greedy. They want certain things and they try to find a guild that fits what they want. If they stop providing them with the epics they want or if they get burned out the guild can't really do anything about it. I think this is where a lot of guilds have problems. For most people its not about what you ca do for your guild but what your guild can do for you. To get further and get the gear you need to treat your raiders like clients. The ones that help you get further you have to pamper a bit and you have to advertise to get good people in to make you get further.