IceCrown has been out since mid December so it has been over 2 months of raiding t10 content. In the beginning it has been a bit of a struggle taking down new bosses. During this weeks reset we have become so efficient that we had cleared almost all farm content in one night. It feels like each boss is like riding a bike. It is a bit difficult at first but once you get it right it is something you are a master of every time you go at it. I noticed it in our 10 man Putricide when our dps was so good that we didn't even dps the first add before we got past phase 2.
I have in me what I like to call the tanking mentality. Tanks who love to be tanks want to control the flow of the raid. I've noticed in a lot of the guilds and alt runs I have been in it is usually the tank who is talking in vent calling out orders and explaining the fight. They control the pulls, pace, and positioning. I haven't been in the guild long at all but I have already been a very vocal part of the guild. I think it is appreciated but I can't tell if I am stepping on any toes. I usually run in head first on pulls, mark all the kill targets, and yell out whenever anything has to be announced. When the guild leader isn't there I will assign Tank assignments and people will listen for the most part. I have all but taken over our 10 man group. During my second week I was asked to be the off-tank for that week. I now do all the invites and control the run. I don't think the people in the group mind because its easy to just relax after 25 man raiding and do what you are used to without having to deal with managing the raid.
Probably the one thing I hate the most is the DKP system. There are flaws in almost every DKP system out there. You have to find a balance between rewarding people for showing up for raid while not making it impossible for newer people to get upgrades. Also you have to give incentive for people to keep coming back without having inflation being a huge issue. I'm not sure if the perfect system exists. In Last Hope we do silent bids. The good thing about the system is that as long as you have the dkp you can bid whatever you want and have a chance of getting the item. The problem is that you can end up blowing your entire dkp load because you are so nervous about not winning the item. Then you are at a loss for the next set of upgrades that you want. Also people who aren't there as much can come in can take items that a veteran who bids a reasonable dkp amount for the item he wants. I see a lot of people getting stressed out including myself.
This week we cleared all the farm content leaving us with plenty of time to work on new bosses. We spent almost the entire raid last night working on Queen Lan'athal. For this fight I am usually the off tank taking delerious slashes and the Blood Mirror. The first couple of times we did the fight it was complete chaos. People with Path of the Darkfallen were constantly dying. Whenever the boss went into the air we lost half the raid. The fight has a very tight dps requirement and the only way to beat the enrage timer is by getting bit by someone who has been bitten. She will bite one person within 30 seconds of starting the fight. That person will bite 1 person. Those 2 people will bite 2 other people. Those 4 people will end up biting 8 people. Before the enrage timer you will have 16 people with the damage buff. During our first few attempts we were just calling out for who was going to get bit next. We discovered that it wasn't going to work and we would have to have a very specific bite order. We forced 1 person to be third on aggro to get the first bite and everyone knew their assignments after that. We got her to 6% last night and we'll have her dead by tonight.
Our next target is Sindrigosa and the Lich King won't be far behind.
I have in me what I like to call the tanking mentality. Tanks who love to be tanks want to control the flow of the raid. I've noticed in a lot of the guilds and alt runs I have been in it is usually the tank who is talking in vent calling out orders and explaining the fight. They control the pulls, pace, and positioning. I haven't been in the guild long at all but I have already been a very vocal part of the guild. I think it is appreciated but I can't tell if I am stepping on any toes. I usually run in head first on pulls, mark all the kill targets, and yell out whenever anything has to be announced. When the guild leader isn't there I will assign Tank assignments and people will listen for the most part. I have all but taken over our 10 man group. During my second week I was asked to be the off-tank for that week. I now do all the invites and control the run. I don't think the people in the group mind because its easy to just relax after 25 man raiding and do what you are used to without having to deal with managing the raid.
Probably the one thing I hate the most is the DKP system. There are flaws in almost every DKP system out there. You have to find a balance between rewarding people for showing up for raid while not making it impossible for newer people to get upgrades. Also you have to give incentive for people to keep coming back without having inflation being a huge issue. I'm not sure if the perfect system exists. In Last Hope we do silent bids. The good thing about the system is that as long as you have the dkp you can bid whatever you want and have a chance of getting the item. The problem is that you can end up blowing your entire dkp load because you are so nervous about not winning the item. Then you are at a loss for the next set of upgrades that you want. Also people who aren't there as much can come in can take items that a veteran who bids a reasonable dkp amount for the item he wants. I see a lot of people getting stressed out including myself.
This week we cleared all the farm content leaving us with plenty of time to work on new bosses. We spent almost the entire raid last night working on Queen Lan'athal. For this fight I am usually the off tank taking delerious slashes and the Blood Mirror. The first couple of times we did the fight it was complete chaos. People with Path of the Darkfallen were constantly dying. Whenever the boss went into the air we lost half the raid. The fight has a very tight dps requirement and the only way to beat the enrage timer is by getting bit by someone who has been bitten. She will bite one person within 30 seconds of starting the fight. That person will bite 1 person. Those 2 people will bite 2 other people. Those 4 people will end up biting 8 people. Before the enrage timer you will have 16 people with the damage buff. During our first few attempts we were just calling out for who was going to get bit next. We discovered that it wasn't going to work and we would have to have a very specific bite order. We forced 1 person to be third on aggro to get the first bite and everyone knew their assignments after that. We got her to 6% last night and we'll have her dead by tonight.
Our next target is Sindrigosa and the Lich King won't be far behind.