Sunday, March 1, 2009


Welcome to my Blog everyone. Let me start by introducing myself. My character name is Bladez and I am a lvl 80 Protection Paladin on the Thunderhorn US server.

I started my character back on Christmas of 2004 when me and my friends all created characters to play together. Before this point my MMO experience includes playing a Text MMO called Emerald City. At least that is what I think it was called. It was a wierd experience. Everything you did was controlled by commannd such as go north, start attack, look at rat. It was definatley an interesting experience and hard to get into. As I continued to play the game I learned the lingo,how to contorl my character, and how to play the game. One thing I definatley remember about this game is that it put a lot more emphisis on role playing and spending more time in taverns.

I didn't play Emerald City for all to long but it layed groundwork for me to get intersted in more games similar to that style. After a couple years I get a job at my local Electronics Boutique. While working there we had regular customers who were into Everquest. After they convinced me to purchase the game I installed and rolled a human style fighter class. I'm not really sure what was going on but I practically spent about an hour trying to find something to do. I just remember running through a city forever trying to find something to fight. Once I did find something to fight it kicked my ass. I ended up uninstalling the game that night. After a couple months I decided to give the game a shot again. At this point I decided to try a wood elf ranger of some type. Luckily I found some rats to kill and just remember swinging my sword a lot until it died. I learned enough about the game to get to about lvl 18. It took me forever to get to this point but remember killing a lot of gnolls.

After I got bored with it I moved back to playing a bunch of console games. After a couple months there was a big uproar for the release fo Dark age of Camelot. I decided to try it out and rolled a human looking paladin character. Luckily I had some experience with MMO's at this point so I was able to understand training skills, how to kill stuff, and how to regenarte life/mana. I had a lot of fun with Dark age and ended up getting up to the mid 20's before it became very mundane.

The one thing I realised about both Everquest and Dark age of Camelot was that it required a descent ammount of grouping to be able to be able to accomplish anything worthwhile. But the worlds that they did create were beautiful and fun to explore. Even though the worlds had a lot to them I never felt like there was a story to explore. All that changed once I started playing World of Warcraft. The story was interesting and fun. The gameplay kept me intriguing and getting to the next level was always something that you reached for.

I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing with this Blog but I have a lot of ideas about raiding, theorycrafting, and what Blizzard changes to make the game better.

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