Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ulduar Impressions Part 3

With so many bosses still up in Ulduar we try to dedicate most of our scheduled raid time to the 25 man bosses. We know they will award us with better loot and that typically we should have the people to take on that content. When we have a good balance of people on its amazing what our Guild can do. If we're short 1 or 2 dps or healers its the difference between beating the encounter vs not standing a chance.

On our off nights we try to pull together our 2 10 man teams. Problem is whoever is in your first 2 sets of groups are forced to stay there during the rest of the week. Come our first off night we had about 17 people online. We had about 6 from Group A and about 7 from Group B and some non raiders on. We waited almost an hour with frustrations running high. We have certain people who always log in and some people who are up in the air when it comes to off nights. Some of our characters have high level alts so Group A ended up running with about 3 alts from Group B team and the rest of the team ended up having to sit it out. The next night the exact opposite happened. Group B was able to go but they had to poach the alts of Group A team. Frustrations usually run pretty high when you have so many people ready to raid but you just don't have the people to pull from. Luckily for us on Monday night almost everyone showed up and we were able to get in there with both groups and get 9/14 bosses down.

As far as 10 man went our first 2 nights were pretty bad. We attempted 1 tower up Flame Leviathan which brings your hopes up but the fight is really hard considering you have no way to heal and if 1 vehicle or player goes down its very hard to recover. Trying Razorscale also brought our frustrations up due to failing on FL for so long and people were tired and making stupid mistakes. We tried the battle a few more times but it wasn't worth it so we called it for the night. Night 2 was a bit better for our 10 man. We knew how Ignis and Deconstructor worked form doing them on 25 man. It was beautiful seeing our strategies being executed flawlessly in 10 man. After those 2 bosses it was time to learn some ones we never tried before

Iron Council

After figuring out how the trash worked again we were up to Iron Council. I had seen video's of this fight from the PTR and people from Team A had already beat the encounter so they offered up some idea's on how to deal with the 3 bosses. Steelbreaker definatley hits hard and I learned the timing of his fusion punch and after wiping a few times I got cleanse timing down. This is probably a very good fight to have a paladin tank on due to the fact they can cleanse themselves and not have to have healer waste a global cool down to remove the debuff. We didn't have much time left in raid and after a few more attempts and people dying to standing in Death runes we decided to pack it in for the night and try again another time.

Our next raid was a 25 man raid and we proceeded to try the 1st level of hard mode on Iron Council. We wanted to kill the medium guy last due to him dropping the discs that start the Algalon quest line. The thing that is annoying about Iron Council its another battle where the first 70% of the fight is not hard at all. Getting stealbreaker and the stormcaller was easy as pie but once we got up to the Runemaster he just decimated the raid when he summoned the Rune of Summoning. When the elements spawned and randomly ran off into different directions almost 75% of the raid was decimated. We attempted the boss a few more times before we know there wasn't much time left before raid end time so we proceeded to 1 shot the boss on normal mode


Monday night we came back and we had 2 full 10 man raids awake and ready to take down some bosses. We were having a race with Group A to a certain extent but we were a few bosses behind. We went in and 1 shot the Iron Council since we were all pro's at it form our 25 man raid and proceeded to Kologran. Some people hate the way this boss looks but I love this guy. He is huge and has a very unique look to him and your night fighting his foot like you are usually with other huge bosses. Since our group was on a hot streak with the other bosses from the night we quickly figured out a strat that worked well for us. We alternated tanks when we got 3 stacks of overhead smash and killed the Right arm whenever it spawned. People started getting good at kiting eye beam and healing people who got death gripped so after about 5 or so tried we downed the boss.

We also tried this on our 25 man raid and it didn't go as well. Aoe damage was a lot higher and saving people in the arm was a lot more difficult. I saw this trend in a lot of bosses. 25 man content is a lot harder then the 10 man version. After people saw how easy Kologran was in 10 man version they expected to 1 shot him in 25 man version. They were sorely mistaken and you could see their frustration. I wasn't flustered as much. I knew that when you are fighting a boss you have to learn the boss. You can tell people what to do and how individual abilities work but you have to try it and see what works and what doesn't work on an individual basis. Telling someone to run form the eye is easy to do but when you get targeted by the eye and you start running you may not realise where the best place to go is. If someone is standing next to you you try to go around them to avoid having them be instagibbed as well. After you do it a few times it becomes second nature and you can do it while maxing out your other abilities as well. The guild will get there, we always do. We just have to realise that every attempt we do we are getting better and when all the pieces fall in place so will Kologarn

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