When it comes to raiding every guild has good days and bad days. You remember the days when you blew through 10 bosses in less then 3 hours of raiding without as much as a hiccup. Then there are days when you have almost half your team dead on every encounter and you sputter your way through the instance. For the most part your core group is the same plus or minus a few people. You know the skill level of the people that you play with is superb but you are still having a hard time. What made tonight different then the awesome day you had last week?
I like to call this hidden resource Resolve. Resolve is a combination of belief, desire, and willingness. My guild leader has a saying "Whether you believe you can do it or can not do it you are right" If you have the belief that the people you are running with have the capacity to down the boss you will do it. If you start doubting yourself and your team you will fail. You also need to have the desire to do it. If you want to kill the boss you will find a way to be more attentive and think on the fly to make sure you do your part to make the boss fall down. The other thing is willingness. We have all had those days when our heart is just not into it. We are going through the motions. We feel like we are doing what we always do but we get lazy. We don't watch our cooldowns well. We might not move quick enough. We're not aware of the variables being thrown at us. This is mostly attributed to "sloppy play".
There are many times you walk into a raid and you see all those familiar faces ready to go but things just don't fall into place the way they should. Also our resolve can change depending on the situation. We can come in with our Resolve resource already being low. Having a bad day, being tired, computer issues, real life problems are all a part of our WoW experience. The better those are the better our resolve is. Through the course of a raid a lot of factors can change individual resolve and resolve of the entire raid. Everyone has those nights when people randomly disconnect and they usually happen at the absolute worst time. There will always be issues of "girlfriend aggro", "parents aggro", "omg my grandma's in the hospital", and the famous "brb putting together a home gym set". Resolve can go up and down depending on who is invited and who has to leave early. Probably the biggest issue for us as a guild is people showing up. You can be amped up ready to kill a new boss but when only 20 people log in and you need 25 playing at max capacity resolve takes a big nose dive.
So as a guild or officer how do you effect resolve. We are not robots and are affected by resolve so we have to take these factors into account. Being human also means we can be pushed into having more resolve. How many times have you been constantly wiping and you have lost your will to fight but your guild leader will come out and start having a "talk" with the guild. Sometimes these are positive in nature. He will talk about about all the previous accomplishments of the guild and how they have done it before with less. Also they will acknowledge the skill and power of each individual in the guild. What can work equally as well is being a prick. Sometimes it takes a harsh leader to whip the group into shape. The acknowledgement of the skill and how there is a lack of it during the encounter. Calling people out and forcing them to do better for fear of punishment. Guild leaders can make individuals fearful of making mistakes, being more attentive, and holding every misstep accountable.
It is important in any raid to try to keep resolve at a high level. Each individual can bring up or down the resolve of the rest of the group. Officers should find ways to pick up on the ques' and promote them in raid. Some guilds thrive on having a joking fun nature throughout raid. Everyone talking on vent, picking fun at each other can lead to a smooth run downing multiple bosses and everyone having a great time. Other guilds need to be serious and focus up. Keeping vent clear for instructions and having one voice keeping order helps make the raid smooth and efficient.
Regardless of any raiding situation there will always be days with ups and downs. Its important that we know when its happening and try to keep resolve high and salvage a failing raid. If we can figure a way to make that happen we'll continue to progress forward and down harder content. If not we will probably end up calling raids early and might even see some of our best raiders and good friends finding themselves a new home.
I like to call this hidden resource Resolve. Resolve is a combination of belief, desire, and willingness. My guild leader has a saying "Whether you believe you can do it or can not do it you are right" If you have the belief that the people you are running with have the capacity to down the boss you will do it. If you start doubting yourself and your team you will fail. You also need to have the desire to do it. If you want to kill the boss you will find a way to be more attentive and think on the fly to make sure you do your part to make the boss fall down. The other thing is willingness. We have all had those days when our heart is just not into it. We are going through the motions. We feel like we are doing what we always do but we get lazy. We don't watch our cooldowns well. We might not move quick enough. We're not aware of the variables being thrown at us. This is mostly attributed to "sloppy play".
There are many times you walk into a raid and you see all those familiar faces ready to go but things just don't fall into place the way they should. Also our resolve can change depending on the situation. We can come in with our Resolve resource already being low. Having a bad day, being tired, computer issues, real life problems are all a part of our WoW experience. The better those are the better our resolve is. Through the course of a raid a lot of factors can change individual resolve and resolve of the entire raid. Everyone has those nights when people randomly disconnect and they usually happen at the absolute worst time. There will always be issues of "girlfriend aggro", "parents aggro", "omg my grandma's in the hospital", and the famous "brb putting together a home gym set". Resolve can go up and down depending on who is invited and who has to leave early. Probably the biggest issue for us as a guild is people showing up. You can be amped up ready to kill a new boss but when only 20 people log in and you need 25 playing at max capacity resolve takes a big nose dive.
So as a guild or officer how do you effect resolve. We are not robots and are affected by resolve so we have to take these factors into account. Being human also means we can be pushed into having more resolve. How many times have you been constantly wiping and you have lost your will to fight but your guild leader will come out and start having a "talk" with the guild. Sometimes these are positive in nature. He will talk about about all the previous accomplishments of the guild and how they have done it before with less. Also they will acknowledge the skill and power of each individual in the guild. What can work equally as well is being a prick. Sometimes it takes a harsh leader to whip the group into shape. The acknowledgement of the skill and how there is a lack of it during the encounter. Calling people out and forcing them to do better for fear of punishment. Guild leaders can make individuals fearful of making mistakes, being more attentive, and holding every misstep accountable.
It is important in any raid to try to keep resolve at a high level. Each individual can bring up or down the resolve of the rest of the group. Officers should find ways to pick up on the ques' and promote them in raid. Some guilds thrive on having a joking fun nature throughout raid. Everyone talking on vent, picking fun at each other can lead to a smooth run downing multiple bosses and everyone having a great time. Other guilds need to be serious and focus up. Keeping vent clear for instructions and having one voice keeping order helps make the raid smooth and efficient.
Regardless of any raiding situation there will always be days with ups and downs. Its important that we know when its happening and try to keep resolve high and salvage a failing raid. If we can figure a way to make that happen we'll continue to progress forward and down harder content. If not we will probably end up calling raids early and might even see some of our best raiders and good friends finding themselves a new home.
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