It has been about a month since the release of Cataclysm and I am frustrated. I had a blast leveling through the content, running heroics, gearing up to be ready for raiding. Here I am now fully equipped and ready to raid but unable to.
They had made raids difficult, but manageable. They ask that you understand the mechanics, be equipped just enough to handle the encounter and execute well. All the bosses I have encountered so far have been doable but I just haven't had 10 people with the capacity to defeat the encounters. I check Guildox's website (progression monitor) and I see other guilds working their way through the content and remember being in the top 3 guild raiding for my server. Now I am in a guild that is trying to start up and we just don't have the members to really start the content.
After I left my guild back in April I really didn't want to raid until Cataclysm came out. My best friend started running 10 man Lich King with the guild I am currently in now and they were competent people who knew their stuff. I suspect many of them were tired of raiding on their mains and switch to an alt for the last couple months of wrath. The guild thought that everyone would continue to raid through Cataclysm but most of them returned to their original guild and original characters. When my friend convinced me to join the guild there was only about 5 people who were working their way to 85. I helped start the recruiting process, trying to get people to join the guild but it just wasn't working well.
People want to join an established guild more then a start up guild. You have to show them that you are worth joining. You can't show them that you are worth joining because you don't have the people to make it happen. It's a cycle that is hard to break out of and now I'm logging in the last couple days ready to raid but we hardly have 6 people on who are raid worthy.
At this point I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should stick it out and try help recruit more people in frustration. We did get a few people to join who were good but once they saw we weren't accomplishing anything they stopped showing up. Also while sitting in trade there are tons of guilds recruiting but none of them are making any headway either. Looking at other guilds, I am finding it hard to find any guilds that match what I need. I want to join a guild that doesn't raid late into the night, nor do I want to raid on weekends. There aren't any good guilds that I find that have a need for me.
So here I am flying over the roofs of Stormwind on a Tuesday after reset just sighing because I can't be in a raid because there are just not enough people on in my guild who can raid and no pugs who need me. Guess I'll go level my alt.
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