Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It's been a few weeks since I have joined my latest Raiding Guild. It's interesting how you go from being nervous about performance and how you act in guild, to being comfortable joking around with your fellow guild mates. I have proved myself to the guild and they know what I am capable of. They have come to rely on me and know I can do the take at hand.

It's interesting to see what is most important in the raider depending on your role. After playing tank, dps, and healer its interesting to see what makes you good at those specific roles. As a healer your most valuable asset is your ability to prioritize your job. A lot of damage goes out in most encounters and its your job to figure out what the best heal to use is, what time to use it, and who to use it on. Healing for me is the hardest role to play. I look at the health bars and I want them all to be at 100%. During the encounter you have to decide if its smarter to get the raid back to 100% or use that global cooldown on the the Tank. Good healers are amazing at how well they can manage their mana and keep everyone alive. Finding that balance is what makes the healers so good.

A DPS most valuable attribute is his ability to time his abilities and know his rotation. A healer is going to decide what button to push when the global cooldown is available. A DPS knows exactly what button to push and at what time 3 GCD's from now. He'll be so adapt at his timing that he will be able to react to the bosses abilities without missing a beat. Usually a skilled dps will know what alternate abilities to use if they have to move out of fires or get away from the boss so there dps doesn't dip to much. These people are the ones maximizing their gear, going through spreadsheets, and reading elitist jerks to be number 1 on the recount or WMO.

Then we have the Tank role. This is my favorite role. To be a good tank your best attribute is situational awareness. As a dps I have gone into encounters and not have any idea what to do on the boss and I still did really well. That's not gonna fly so well when you are a tank. While building threat is what you are measured on its how you play the battlefield that makes you a good tank. Being able to pull a boss and position him correctly to make the dps's job easy. Being able to very quickly pick up adds as soon as they spawn. To knowing when to use your cooldowns to make the life if your healers easier. Some fights are easy for a tank because there isn't a lot going on. Most fights require you to be smart and know whats happening and being able to adapt to that situation is why I play the tank. Also its the tanks who usually end up being the leader of the group. A healer looks at his green bars, and a dps looks at his rotation. A tank looks at everybody and everything and can call out and adjust as things happen.

Every role is important and when one side of the holy trinity is weak its going to affect the other 2. You can tell who is good at their role and who is a mindless button masher. What a person chooses to play as their main spec speaks a lot about who they are as a person. While it's never smart to assume anything about a person but when you talk to people and see their characteristics they usually fall in line with what they are playing.

It seems that I always get the unique roles in raid. I am the slime kiter in Rotface and the abomination in the putricide encounter. These are pivotal roles in both the encounters and it's important to do those jobs well. I was half surprised to be picked to do these jobs because I am a recruit into the guild. On the other hand it makes sense for me to be picked for the role considering a paladin is a much better ooze kiter then a warrior, and I was the offtank available the night we attempted putricide. Pro-tip for anyone doing the abomination. You can use both your eat ooze ability and mutated slash if the boss is close enough.

Last Tuesday the Crimson Halls had opened up. With it brought 2 new encounters. The Blood Prince Council is a very cool boss fight. Blizzard just loves throwing so many random things into an encounter as possible. It's my job to tank Prince Taldaram during the encounter. Their is an orb that moves around between the 3 princess that give them empowered abilities. On the first one he will force all melee to move out during his Empowered Shock Vortex. When fighting my target we have to follow an Empowered Ball of Flames so it doesn't 1 shot its target, and for Keleseth the tank needs to run around and collect Dark Nucleus so that his Empowered Shadow Lance doesn't 1 shot him. On top of that their are balls that if they hit the floor will do a ton of damage to the entire raid. It's a lot of things to consider for the raid but when it comes together its a beautiful thing.

We haven't gotten a chance to work on Blood Queen Lan'athel but I've been watching videos and it doesn't seem overly hard to execute. There isn't as much going on during the fight as Blood Prince Council but its all about dps. During the encounter she will bite people and increase their dps by 100% for a limited time. Once that time is up they have only one option and that is to bite someone else and give them the same buff. About 4 minutes into the fight you will run out of people to bite giving this boss a soft enrage timer. On top of that there will people linked together who have to move together and a debuff which forces you to run to the walls. Hopefully we can get putricide this week in 25 man and have some attempts left to give this boss a shot.

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